1. We're having a girl! Since learning this, I've given Sara full permission to buy the pinkest, girliest clothes she wants because we are committed to it for the long haul.
2. We got iphones a few weeks ago and are loving them! I got a huge discount on phone service with verizon through my work so we made the switch.
3. Molly is very much into reading books. One night after scriptures she grabbed a book and plopped down on my lap with it. We've read book(s) every night since then. This picture is in one of the mercer meyer books we have. It's supposed to be a happy bunny but I'll let you decide...
4. We've taken advantage of every snowstorm we've gotten. So far we've made 4 snowmen with the 2 big snowstorms. This is all in preparation for ice fishing starting mid December. We got Molly some moonboots last week and I think we're all ready for some good times on the ice. Well, me and Molly anyway...
5. Sara went to see the new twilight movie and somehow did not barf at the cheeziness. Amazing!
6. I went pheasant hunting a couple weeks ago. Didn't get one but it was fun anyway.
7. Molly likes to copy everything Fred (me) does. EVERYthing. It makes tickling Sara twice as fun (and considerably more efficient!). I'm not going to ask her, but I think Sara likes it a whole lot too.