Having the table jolt and move was fun for a day and then we had to take action. I plan to put some type of angle brace on the back of the chair in the future, but for now I'm making good use of my weights.
At least somebody is getting use out of them! Plus if Molly can move this extra 45 pounds of when she tips back (double her own weight) then I'll be so impressed I'll have to let her keep doing it. With all the ice fishing going on around here there is no time to waste fixing something silly like this so it may get fixed the way I want after the lakes thaw. I think this picture will last a long time though.
Sara has officially begun "nesting". For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, nesting is a strong desire or action to start collecting, organizing, cleaning, and generally making room for a new baby. Last night we completely reorganized the entire living room and kitchen and Sara has already planned out where the baby swing and bouncer will go. She has pressed to get the baby stuff out of storage but so far my attempts to distract her from the idea have been successful. Apparently I learned some useful tricks during the last pregnancy.