Saturday, February 13, 2010

Baby Update

Hey There, this is Sara updating the blog. We are now in the countdown til the baby comes and the doctor has been saying that this little girl is probably going to be coming right on time. We are really hoping that she will decide to come a week early because then fred will be on spring break. But I know that all doctors in logan will not induce early with a first pregnancy and my doctor has already said no. So here is hoping and wishing. That also means that our plans for spring break will probably include: spicy food, jumping on trampolines, lots of walks and anything else recommmended to induce labor. Its weird because Febuary is suppose to be the shortest month of the year and it already feels way to long.


Than & Lina said...

Best wishes!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl!!!!