Hey there, this is Sara adding a quick update: First is
Camping We took Molly on her first Camping trip, Which was our ward camp out. We only stayed over night but Molly did really well. She slept the whole night and wasnt fussy besides the normal (when she wants a bottle, and when she is tired). We had a lot of fun and look forward to a couple more camp outs before summer is over. Here is Molly at the camp out: so fashionably dressed ;) in her eskimo suit

I also thought I would put in this video of Molly. She is definitely an early bird. Every Morning she wakes up around 6:30 am so happy and ready for a new day. She is always smiling and I cant figure out why seeing as zombie parents take her out of her crib each morning. Here is the proof:
By the way that is Fred's most odiferous whistling in the background. Hope you enjoy it!
Molly has also been perfecting her smile

And her ninja pose....
Oh she really is smiley when she wakes up in the morning! She is so cute! Hopefully our baby will wake up peacefully like Molly.
Awe that is SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!! I just love her to pieces!! :)
She is so adorable. I think I could just stare at her all during church, oh wait, I already do. I would love waking up to that cute babe in the morning too.
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