Molly has been loving our entertainment system. She loves to crawl inside and just sit there. I think its funny how she will push all her toys aside just to get in there and play with the walls.
Its become her own little condo.
Molly is holding her own bottle now which is great. She is also finally big enough to fit into the stroller we bought last christmas. This is her enjoying a little lunch in the stroller while we ate sandwichs at the park. It was also the first time we all sat and ate a meal together.
I took Molly out in the snow for the first time today. She went through many emotions sitting there.
First confusion, then uncertainty, warming up to contentment, then happiness, quickly followed by dislike, then ending with hatred.
All this happened in the space of 5 mins. This picture was taken in the contentment stage.
Here is a couple of random pics to end. This one I took because I love how cute she is in that suit.
Here is the last one. I dont think I notice enough but Molly is generally a mellow kid. Really her biggest problem that will always get her crying is be left alone. I can deal with that.