Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 18, 2009

Now that school is back in session we have missed being able to spend time together at night. During the summer we got to spend at least Saturday and/or Sunday together. Homework has overtaken that time together. I go to school at 8 and then at 10 at night I'm done with work and homework. Usually we spend that time watching a TV show like operation repo. Funny show by the way.

A couple weeks ago Sara went in for the first doctor visit at 12 weeks. They did an ultrasound and the baby is just fine. Can't tell the gender yet but I think it's a boy. Time will tell on that. She's nauseous every morning til around 11. The up-throwing has subsided for now. She's trying out some little breakfast shakes because she gets up and doesn't feel like eating but that's the only thing that takes away the nausea.

On Wednesday Sara accused me of spending more time with my study buddy than I do with her. To that accusation I plead guilty as charged. We spent 12 hours on one homework assignment this week. I invited her to come study with us and then we could spend LOTS of time together but she has politely declined.

Sara has gone through another job in the last week. She quit convergy's because they wouldn't let her reduce her hours then worked at a sushi place for a week and then they decided not to hire her (she wasn't even done with training).

Our garden is quite fruitful. We have tons of tomatoes. So much that we took a basket full of them to our neighbors. Our bell peppers are growing well but they look funky. A normal bell pepper is like 3 inches around and 3 or 4 inches long. These ones are 3 inches around but then an inch or two long. They look like little stubs. Our watermelon is probably 6 inches but we picked it today because it has stopped growing. We're planning to eat all 2 bites of it tonight.


Camilla said...

I like the stubs. hahah. I am so glad that I'm not in school, but DJ's in the same boat as you, except thankfully he can do most of his studying at home by himself. I hope Sarah gets past the nausea soon, if she feels it throughout the day someone suggested these things called prenancy pops. They look like little candy. Maybe you've been told about them. Mostly I love that everyone suggests everything. Hahaha the best....but it does help us at least, cuz we're clueless. lol

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Hey, thanks for always posting on your blog! It's nice to go and check somebody's blog and they actually keep it updated. Hahaha, maybe you can bug Keith and Danielle about that, haha. I never tried Prego Pops, but maybe get a bag of hard candy, like life savers, for Sara to suck on. It helps to have something flavorful in your mouth to curb the nausea. And nice garden, btw!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Oh, P.S. we made our blog private, so if you'd like to still check it, feel free to send us your email so we can invite you to view it. :)