Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin carving

Figured we ought to get a picture of our pumpkins up before halloween passes. We found some cool patterns this year. I think next year I will use a dremel tool or a drill to do this. I carved almost all of spongebob with a 1/8 or 3/16 drill bit I had hanging around. A bit sharp and hard on the fingers but it worked so good.

We also went up to temple flat and had a blast on the four wheeler. Didn't get a deer (how unusual) but had fun anyway.

I went fishing with Sara's brother a few weeks ago. We were hoping to catch a monster tiger muskie but this bass is all I caught.

Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks. Can you believe it? We're going out to Denver and pretty excited about it. Plus that means I'll be 2 weeks away from the end of the semester.


Heidi-n-Scott said...

Good job on the pumpkins!

Kade said...

Thats a nice little bass you have there Fred....its interesting how much the absence of one little letter, 'b' for example, can change the entire meaning of a sentence....
Cool pumpkins too by the way.

Goldthorpes said...

Awesome pumpkin carving!