Saturday, November 14, 2009


The doctor says we are having a girl! I think everyone probably knows that by now except for the people we just forgot about or the people who secretly stalk our blog. I was really really hoping for a boy so I could have a little golfing and huntin buddy. That still might happen with her anyway. Sara thought it would be a boy for the whole time and then last week she had a dream it was a girl and changed her vote ever since. From talking to other women it sounds like that is a pretty common thing. That's a bit interesting. I wonder if the spirit comes into the body when gender forms. any thoughts? Sara is getting pregnanter every day and she can't hide it anymore. She has become good at acquiring more maternity clothes either by convincing me to let her buy something at the store or getting things at the DI or there is a place in logan that gives away maternity clothes. We also bought the first set of clothes for our girl. We bought them at Macy's from a gift card we got for our wedding (Yes that's right - our wedding - the one back in May 2008). We just got the card, though - things like gift cards have a very short life expectancy around here. We took the clothes to Sara's parents and had them open the bag it was in and that's how we told them it was a girl.

My work has been busy we just got a new batch of speed controllers in and have been working to get them ready to ship out. They look dang good. School is slowly coming to an end. We have 4 weeks left til the semester ends and most of one of those weeks is thanksgiving break.

At home we borrowed street fighter 2 (not the turbo edition, though for you snes buffs) from Sara's brother. We are also borrowing mario kart. Awesome awesome games that provide a needed distraction from homework.

We got our first real snow of the season. It has actually snowed twice but it didn't stick. We have about an inch of standing snow. So sad. We haven't even had time to rake the leaves and our garden is still a mess.


Lindee said...

Yay! Girls are fun too! You can still take her to do all those boyish things with you. How fun!

D&C said...

Yay fred! I totally blog stalk you guys. haha jk. Congrats! I think it enters earlier even before you find out what it is, or when distinguished characteristics form. I don't know why, i just know it does. Congrats to you guys! You will be awesome parents, make sure you feed her lots of mac and cheese.

Than & Lina said...

It seems like everyone is having a girl! Congrats!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Congrats you guys! You'll be good parents, and she can still be your hunting/fishing buddy Fred. :) And I think the spirit enters at conception. Cuz that is when another human life is formed~ and it's NOT a fetus, it's a baby! :)