Thursday, February 25, 2010


Since about the first month we knew we were going to have a baby we've been toying with baby names. When we found out it would be a girl we tried to pretend we were deciding between names but in my opinion we were just deciding whether we would name her Molly Pollanthropa or Molly Verionionica. So technically we haven't decided on a middle name but we have decided to call her Molly. Not sure where that name came from as its not a family name and we don't know anybody named Molly but it has stuck out in our minds and emerged as the winner.

This week we attended our first pregnancy class at the hospital. Pretty interesting and good to know information although I kept falling asleep lots. They wanted the husbands to learn how to give their wives exceptional hand massages at one point. I am no missoose but I do consider myself somewhat skilled in the art of hand massaging so I thought it would be all good until they came around and put massage lotion on the wifey's hand. Nastiest smelling stuff ever! I think it was expired vegetable oil and it even rubbed in that way (I know how that stuff rubs in because I've eaten lots of fries). Other than that it was a pretty decent class.

To celebrate President's day I went ice fishing at Mantua with my good buddy Dave. I was blessed with a lovely trout that was significantly larger than the baby one I murdered last time. And yes, I did eat peanut butter cups. Perhaps the fish wanted to eat them too and decided to come to the surface for them. Here's a picture.

Sara had some back pain the other day making dinner so we used the computer chair to make things easier for her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahah awesome i can't believe you murdered a baby fish. murderer. and molly is cute! hope sarah isn't in too much pain! i guess a little is ok.....for someone who married a fish murderer. ;)