Nevertheless, I had to get back out there the next week. I was by myself from 7am til about noon when Keith showed up. I caught 3 decent rainbows and even a dinky bluegill. All the fish seem like they died very horrifically but let me assure you they were not.
There were these guys next to me that had an underwater camera and they would just watch the fish come to their line and when it got close enough they would jerk up and snag it in the face. They caught 10 between the two of them (5 each). I did pretty well catching 3 myself. I don't need no stinking camera! (But if anyone is giving their underwater camera away I would be willing to take the stinking thing.) There were a couple goobers next to me that were there til about noon and they didn't catch a thing! I felt their pain (when I wasn't catching a fish that is). When Keith came we fished much but it had slowed way down. Towards the end of the day though Keith snagged a little trout. And let me empahasize the word SNAG in that sentence. If you look at the picture you can see the fish wasn't hooked in the mouth, belly, or eye. He was snagged in the side of his tail! Many laughs were had over that fish.
Sara is unmistakably pregnant and is very excited?! for Molly to get here (her excitement level depends on the day - it's especially low after our weekly labor class). The baby showers are over and we were richly blessed by everyone's generosity. We have lots and lots of girl clothes. If the baby comes out a boy then that is just too bad because he will have to wear pink, be in a pink bouncer, wear pink diapers, and sleep with a pink sheet.
I hope Molly will like to fish but then if not she will learn to right? Yeah for Molly! We wish you all the best.
YAY for Molly!! Can't wait to meet her!! :) Good luck to you all!... and bring your lap top to the hospital so you can post pics asap!!! ;)
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