Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break: Post by Sara

So I thought I would update on all the fun we are having on spring break. Basically Fred is working during the day and I am chilling at home. Its pretty relaxing except that Fred has caught some kind of cold. I have stopped working for the last two weeks of my pregnancy which turned out to be a very good idea because for some reason I can not stay asleep for long periods of time. So I end up taking lots of naps during the day and into the night. We are having fun doing some last minute before the baby comes date nights. Last night we went and saw Blindside as a last date night movie experience complete with drinks and popcorn which we never do because of the outrageous prices but luckly logan has a dollar theater so we were able to get 2 movie tickets, one large popcorn, two mediums drinks, and nachos for twenty dollars. What a deal! And the movie was awesome, I kind of expected a lot before hand because of all the oscar nominations and critic reviews but surprisingly (at least to me) the movie lives up to the hype. No baby yet the doctors have told me I am barely dialated to 1. Which is a little discouraging because I am ready to have this baby. I wonder if I have made life in the womb a little to comfortable for the baby because she seems pretty happy to stay where she's at. ;)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I remember I had a hard time waiting too and wanting to progress faster, oh I hope she comes soon. We should hang out a last time before baby.