Saturday, March 27, 2010

No baby yet

That's correct - no baby as of yet. The day is still young though. Sara is getting over her cold just in time for Molly to get here too. She has had some contractions the past couple days but no baby.

My car has been nasty dirty since I went ice fishing with Keith. The dike road was really muddy and so my car got this nasty red dirt all over the sides and it would get dirt on your pantlegs. On Monday my boss asked me if I had gone muddin'. And as much as I would like to have said yes to that question I had to respond with a no. So I washed the car Wednesday night in a real 1.00 car wash (not just waiting for a rainstorm.) Thursday I got the rainstorm --kinda.... I don't think we got more than a cup of water that day, the rest was dirt. So my car went from medium dirty to dirty everywhere. It's just disgusting. From this experience I've learned that washing your car is a bad idea.

1 comment:

D&C said...

ah good luck you guys! maybe you should jump on her belly. Does that work? (I'm kidding, just in case you have reason to doubt :)