Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kyla's Name

Many people have been asking how we came up with Kyla's name and I don't think I have ever written down her full name so here it is: KYLA MARY LILLYWHITE

KYLA: We decided on this name probably 3 days before Kyla was born. Around the beginning of march I was really starting to get worried because we couldn't agree on any names. From the beginning Fred has loved the name Jaclyn, which I never liked. I was really in love with the name Lauren, which Fred didn't really like. So one night we finally decided that we would completely start over with name picking and went online to search for something we both would like. After looking at a couple dog name sites (Molly is the number one dog name) we saw the name Kyla on a baby name site and it stuck around since then.

MARY: Once we found the first name the middle name wasn't to hard. Molly's middle name is Susan which is my middle name but more importantly she was really named after my mother. We both wanted a family name and since we have my mom's name for Molly we went with Fred's Mom for Kyla. Fred mother is Mary Kathryn and although she has always gone by her middle name we really liked Mary for a middle name as a way to honor her.

LILLYWHITE: Although we know she will only be having this name for hopefully 25 years (I can dream). Kyla like Molly will be a champ at writing her Y's and L's.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Here is a fun comparsion. This is Molly
And this is Kyla
I Consider them complete opposites in looks and personality but people keep telling me how similar they really are. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Big Labor Story

So now that we are home and everything is starting to settle down its gives me time to write down what happened with Kyla's birth before I forget. It all started Thursday night around 8pm. Fred was getting ready to play racquetball with some guys in the ward. I was having some light contractions but not really paying any attention to them because I had contractions everyday for the past week. Fred said he would have his phone just in case but probably wouldn't hear it until after the game. Just as he left maybe 2 minutes or so Molly had to use the potty and when I stood up to go help her I felt a huge contraction.

The Contractions came fast and hard after that and became so painful I couldn't stand(way worse than anything I felt with Molly's labor). I started to panic because Molly kept wanting me to do things for her like get juice or a snack or help with the potty. I could barely even stand so I called my mom and said: Mom I don't know if I am in labor but I can't take care of Molly can you come help me. Well of course she came, I think I could even hear the car door slam as I was getting off the phone. I then tried to call Fred, I ended up calling his phone three times, the first message was a little worried and then by the third I was crying in total panicked mode. I then decided to call my friend Mary who lived in the complex but was in the processing of moving. I wanted to see if she was in the complex and could go fetch Fred for me. I remember taking a minute and thinking okay I need to call Mary but I need to not sound panicked. Well it didn't work Mary later told me that all she could understand from the conversation was Mom, Fred, and Hospital. She said she was at her house and not at the complex but not to worry because she was coming over right then.

So I sat in the house crying over the contractions and begging Molly to not make me get up again to cut her a piece of cheese. Out of nowhere Fred came rushing through the door(it was quite a Knight in Shining Armor moment) and said to go down to the car and he would take care of everything else. I made the mistake of not taking my phone or keys and sat in the car just shivering while Fred packed up the car. Just as we were about to pack up Molly and leave my friend Mary showed up and took Molly for us til my mom could get there. So we road off to the hospital with my extremely painful contractions coming every 1-1 1/2 minutes.

9 pm we got to the hospital and I was literally holding on to Fred for support as we walked in the hospital. We got checked in and they checked me. I was dilated to a 2. We were in complete shock to say the least. They said they would check me in an hour but chances were we would be headed home. After an hour(still having painful contractions) they checked me again I was still dilated to a 2. So they started prepping us to go home. I was so nervous because my pain was so bad, they gave me a shot of some kind of pain killer that was suppose to slow my contractions and stop the pain. They check me one more time before getting us ready to go. My temp had jumped up to 102 and Kyla's heart rate jumped 170. The nurse then ran and called my doctor came back and said we needed to get ready for a c-section and probably would be having this baby within the hour.

3am after the nurse talked to us about the all the things they were going to do for the c section and after talking to anesthesiologist getting ready for the epidural my doctor came in to talk to us. He went through all the risks that come with a c section and gave me one last option. He said that everything was happening because I had some kind of infection which caused me to have such painful contractions even though my labor was not progressing. He said it was too dangerous to do a vaginal birth with Kyla's stress levels so high. He said we could either go into the c section right now or he could give me some Tylenol wait an hour and see if that helps anything. He also said that he didn't know which option was better and left it up to me. I quickly said Tylenol and after the hour my temperature went back to normal and Kyla's heart rate went down to 135.

After all this excitement the doctor decided it was now okay to do a vaginal delivery, he broke my water and start me on pitocin. He then left and I finally got my epidural. 2 hours after that I was pushing, my epidural must not have worked last time because pushing Molly out was so painful and this time it felt kind of nice in a weird way. I only had to push for a half hour and by the end the doctor was asking me to push half as hard as I was pushing and pop out came Kyla. Kyla was perfect and never got any part of the infection which was in the amniotic fluid . I had to be on antibiotics for 24 hrs but other than that we both came out of the hospital happy and healthy with no other complications. It was crazy and completely different than Molly's birth: Molly's birth started out easy and ended very hard, Kyla's birth started out very hard and ended up easy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Its Kyla like Kyle with an A

We are home now and enjoying every minute with our new little joy. I will post in a couple days the big crazy labor story but for now I thought I would just update with photos for all the family and friends who havent seen her yet.

Here is Kyla showing off her beautiful hair. All black and all over her head she already looks so different from Molly.

Here is a comparsion shot from friday(day she was born) to saturday. She just gets cuter every day

Here is one of her many oh so cute expressions. I love it because its like she is trying to smile with her whole face expect her lips

This is Molly meeting Kyla for the first time. She loves to help hold the baby for about a minute then she off doing something else. No anger or jealously yet but there has been a little bit of poking

Here is Kyla ready to go home. The hospital stay was really nice but we are so glad to be home.

Here are my girls down for a nap. Im not sure how often this will really happen so I took a pic.

Here is Kyla in her favorite position sleeping. I will definitely have to get used to how long a newborn sleeps and how quiet their cries are.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Don't Know?

I am officially 40 weeks pregnant. There is one thing I have learned through this pregnany is that this baby is very different from Molly. So far I have been wrong about so many things, this baby loves to surprise me. Last weeek I went to the doctor and asked to be induced. My doctor told me that I would have to be dilated to a 2 in order to be induced. Well I was barely at a 1 so he striped my membranes and said that should push me into labor in the next couple days.

At this point I was excited thinking I didnt really need to plan for the weekend because I was going to have this baby by easter. Since last wednesday I been having contractions every day, definitely not strong enough or frequent enough to go to the hospital, just enough to get my hopes up. Then last night I started having contractions every 2 mins for 3 or 4 hours, I called my parents to take Molly for the night and until 2 am we were timing contractions and preparing for the hospital. The only thing we were waiting on was for the contractions to be strong enough because they were really light. Finally around 2 am I was so tried I just wanted to lay down for a minute and that is when my contractions stopped.

I had a doctors appointment scheduled at 9:50 am this morning and after last night I felt going into that appointment like I facing my teacher after failing a test. I asked him again if I could be induced and after he checked my dilation I was still at 1. Which made me realized two things: I dont really know what true labor is, and I was relieved that we made the right decision last night by not going to the hopsital. The doctor stripped my membranes again and scheduled an induction for sunday. I am currently fifth in line to be induced which means I will probably go to the hospital around 9 in the morning. I am not to happy at this point with being pregnant til sunday but I have no control over it so I accept it.

So if you havent heard from me its not because I was too busy at the hospital with a new baby to talk to anyone. Its just means I have nothing to report other then the fact that I am still pregnant and still waiting for this baby to come.

If you want to know how ready I am to have this baby here is my lastest pregnancy picture.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

We have had a fun Easter and now that its all over I have to say I am kind of glad I wasnt in the hospital with a baby missing all of it. Molly had a blast coloring eggs, hunting for eggs, and eating lots of chocolate. Here are a couple pics from our weekend:

Here is a little Easter tradition. When Molly was born the next sunday was Easter and I thought it would be cute to take a picture with a bunny. Then the next year I thought I should do it again and now its a tradition. Here are Mollys cute Easter dresses and the traditional easter bunny.