Here is Kyla showing off her beautiful hair. All black and all over her head she already looks so different from Molly.
Here is a comparsion shot from friday(day she was born) to saturday. She just gets cuter every day
Here is one of her many oh so cute expressions. I love it because its like she is trying to smile with her whole face expect her lips
This is Molly meeting Kyla for the first time. She loves to help hold the baby for about a minute then she off doing something else. No anger or jealously yet but there has been a little bit of poking
Here is Kyla ready to go home. The hospital stay was really nice but we are so glad to be home.
Here are my girls down for a nap. Im not sure how often this will really happen so I took a pic.
Here is Kyla in her favorite position sleeping. I will definitely have to get used to how long a newborn sleeps and how quiet their cries are.
She is absolutely beautiful. Congrats on a healthy babe. I can't believe all that hair, it's so long!
Yeah! I'm glad your beautiful Kyla is here. I do love her hair. Good luck with the two kids, I will have to get some good advise in a few months. Look forward to reading about the story.
Hey Sarah! I am so glad things are going well. I hope you are figuring out the nursing better this go around. I sure think your kids are adorable! :)
Congrats! Two kids are fun. :) The more, the merrier, right?
I love the name. She is so cute! Can't wait to hear the labor story. Do we get to hear it from Fred's perspective?
Congrats, she is beautiful!
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