Thursday, July 31, 2008

School re-ranging

Okay okay first I better apologize for not updating my stinkin' blog! for 9 days 1 hour and 16 minutes. All I can ask for is mercy. We have finally got our school schedule figured out for the Fall. Sara had problems getting into Math 1050 and I need to have one day off a week so I can do this Rock Springs job. Before the madness of rearranging our schedules began our schedule looked like a lot of sleeping in. I think there was only one day that we had to get up before 9:30. We also had a beginner's swing dance class together which we wanted to do last year but you know how things go when you're dating- you just wanna be sure to avoid potential awkwardness. Well anyway now that we are married figured we could take the class risk-free. Then we reranged our schedules. Now we have a class at 7:30 (AM) 2 days a week and the other days we have to be at class at 8:30. The swing dance class got thrown out the window but we sneaked ourselves into a billiards class which should be good because we are both horrible at that. The important classes have worked out though. Sara has her 1050 class and I have Thursdays off.

As for work, Sara really likes her new job so far. She graduated from training yesterday and officially starts today. She has had to take a pay cut but it is so worth it when she comes home in a good mood because she hasn't been treated like trash all day. I still haven't taken my business trip to Rock Springs yet. I need to leave next week or the week after or it isn't going to happen. I have been talking to their head drafter in Broussard, Louisiana and he was telling me that there really isn't anyone to train me on their software in Rock Springs so he wants me to fly out to Louisiana so I can be trained by him. My boss is fine with that but it all depends on the Plant Manager's decision in Broussard. I probably won't end up going in the next couple weeks but if we are still working with this company next year there's a good possibility I will be going out there. Exciting huh?

The fishing has slowed down quite a bit. We went last week and caught 3 fish, then 2, then 1 then last night we got skunked (0). We're considering taking a fishing-camping trip soon up to Franklin Basin. I'll let you know if/when that happens.

Sorry no pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally know all about the madness of going to school, and hey I still have a year before I am done with the bac's and that won't be happening for at least another 5 years. As for rock springs, what exactly are you doing up there? and even more random, do you know the conks that live there? bryan and emily? ryker and corgin? They are my family- through.