The deer hunt over the weekend didn't go as planned but it was exciting nonetheless. We didn't see any more bucks but did see quite a few deer. Friday night we hunted up Mill Canyon where we saw the buck on Monday but didn't see any deer there. We did see some grouse and I got one to bring home. I realized that I like to hunt grouse just about as much as I like to hunt deer. I'm still trying to convince Sara to try it whenever I cook it.
Sara went down to Kaysville and chillaxed with her sister and threw a baby shower for one of her friends. Seems like it went well. They were worried that the mom-to-be wouldn't make it to the baby shower but she did although it sounds like she may have had it the next day.
While I was in L-town mom and dad mentioned they had a ton more pumpkins than they needed so they sent me home with a couple which we carved Monday night
which brings me to the next item of interest: Sara was at home on Monday night so we go to have FHE for once. She was forced to quit on Thursday from her job so she has every night free. But that means getting back to the grindstone of looking for another job. I got a raise last week but unfortunately it just isn't enough to cover all the bills while I'm not working full-time.
Also, around the same time the reverse went out in my car. I took it to Honda to have them look at it and they glanced at it ( really, that's all they did they didn't touch anything) and said it would cost 720.00 to look at the transmission. And for that useless information they charged us 50 bucks. How nice. So we took it to another placed called one-way transmissions and he glanced at it for free and will take the transmission apart for 600. Much more reasonable. But in the meantime we are down one car. Good timing though because Sara isn't using her car. I got a good vibe from the transmission mechanic (despite the fact that he used the back of a paper towel to write down my information) but I'm concerned with the company name/output. One-Way Transmissions? The car already goes one way! I made sure to specify that I would like the car to go both ways - not just reverse or forward. Hopefully I made that sufficiently clear to him. More news to follow on that possible adventure.