Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Winter

Yesterday morning when we headed to class at 7:30 we were greeted by the unpleasant sight of snow. It sounds like we didn't get near as much as Mom and Dad did, but there was probably an inch of snow on the ground. Lucky for us, it did melt by noon but it was enough to motivate our landlord to finally turn on the heat and fix one of the holes in the roof of our patio. We were thinking we would need more food storage so we went out and got 5 pounds of cheese, a tub of butter, and 25 pounds of cookie dough. Okay that's not exactly true.... The weather is supposed to be nicer this weekend for the deer hunt though. Oh man, we are so ready for the weekend. We spent the whole last weekend pretty much cooped up in the house doing homework or work. We finished about 1:00 AM Sunday night which made getting up to snow at 7:30 6 hours later even worse. We got out once on Saturday night to go see Eagle Eye and eat at Pier 49 pizza then it was back to homework. By the way, I moderately recommend Eagle Eye (only moderately because I previously highly recommended Batman). But really it's a good one. Pier 49 was a little disappointing. I expected the food to be so delicious that I would be blown away but alas that didn't happen. We ate it all anyway.

Test #1 for me this week was bad news bears. For starters the test was at 7:30 - bad any day. The test had 60 questions to be done in 50 minutes. At 40 minutes the dude said we had 10 minutes left and I was on # 30. Then 5 minutes later no one had handed in their test yet so he said " Okay 5 minutes left - you better start guessing". That would have been a good idea if the test wasn't short answer. To me, a guess is where you take a shot in the dark and have a 50/50 or a 25% chance of getting it right by circling a random T, F, A, B, C, or D. This guy was such a goon too that when the time was up and only 3 people had handed in their test he had his little grunt TA's go and RIP the tests out of people's hands. So, the last problem I was working on has the start of a sentence then half a word then a long squiggly line to the end of the page (created as a direct result of the ripping). How lame. I can't say that I hold a special place in my heart for that teacher or the TA's.

But I can't stop to gripe about that because I have a test tomorrow and then a big kahuna test on Thursday. Then it's the weekend but I can't think about that much because I have a buttload of homework due on Monday. I guess the teachers up here think that a fall break means a vacation for them and slave labor for you. Sara has a big test on Monday.

1 comment:

Heidi-n-Scott said...

I tagged you. Look at my blog to see what you have to do. :)