Tuesday, April 21, 2009

cram jam

This saturday I have to take the FE. I'm totally unprepared for it too. It's really hard to study when I'm the only one of my friends taking it. I think it would be easier if I had a group who was taking it. Oh well. It cometh anyway.

Friday we went to see "Knowing" in Layton. I thought it would be an amazing mystery type film like indiana jones or national treasure. Instead it was really creepy. At first it seemed like it was turning into The Ring with that creepy girl. It finally chilled out and turned into aliens. Aliens! that's right. I don't think I'd go see it again. Just a one time thing.

I also reranged our attic. Since I'm not working from home I don't need an "office " per say up there. Me and the dudes used it last week to study for tests. Which reminds me did I mention that we got a whiteboard? Well whether I did or not tell you I'm going to tell you right now-- we got a whiteboard. It was really handy when we were studying for the tests and is also especiallly useful when I'm upstairs just dreaming of an equation and feeling an intense urge to write that equation down somewhere but don't want to waste a sheet of paper. Directly across the room from the whiteboard we put up an old dart board that tom and dani gave us when they moved out. I put it up just the right place that if you are working on the whiteboard and happen to have a dart in your other hand (marker is in the other) and then you get stuck in a problem you can take advantage of a stress reliever by throwing the dart from where you stand to the dart board. We also have a table where fellow students sit that is in between the dartboard and the whiteboard. So far we have had 0 casualties. My goal is to keep the human casualties less than or equal to 3.4 per million.

Spring has come again for another week or so (maybe). I got to wear shorts and flip flop it up on campus. In the process I relearned a lesson I experience every year. And that is that you need to give your feet time to adjust to being outside the shoe. First I had to relearn how to walk in my flip flops, then I had to endure the pain caused by not having calluses on the bottoms of my feet where the plastic strap attaches to the back of the flip. Or maybe it attaches to the flop. Regardless, I have nubbins on my feet from the traumatic experience. Also my feet dried up quick and feel funky again. I wish I didn't have to relearn this every year but I doubt that will change. Hopefully someone will learn this by having read this blog and not have to suffer. As for my feet, I have them strapped in sandals (no flipping or flopping) and I'm not so sure they will come back out to flip flop land for a while.

By the way, I hope y'all like the chuck norris facts. I considered putting a game or something on it instead but I like chuck. I have a small insignificant infatuation for episodes of walker texas ranger (every monday night at 11 pm!).


Kade said...

I friggin love the Chuck Norris facts, I'm adding this to my blog!

Anonymous said...

FE advice.
It is cake. It only took me 5 hrs, not the alloted 8. I recommend doing the general afternoon section rather than a specific. A lot of the stuff in the mechanical afternoon section are specific to senior level courses, which you may or may not have taken yet.
Otherwise, know the equation book (where stuff is, especially the economics section, a lot of the econ questions were almost straight from the eq book), be comfortable with the crapy calculator, and then just relax.

Becky said...

The solution to the flip flop problem is just to live in Phoenix where you can where them all year long. It was 106 degress yesterday. don't you wish you were here. lol

Fred and Sara said...

thanks for the advice jake. that makes me feel a bit better. I don't think I'll ever use that crappy calculator again either.

US!! said...

I know! Keith and I went to see "knowing" too. We thought the same thing. It was creepy. Never again!

Anonymous said...

Ok my advice is you could live up here in homer where flip flops are not an option? But you do get like seven months of really good snow mobling. And as for the crappy calculator, we will not be seeing one until our kids are in school. And the white board option thing is totally cool with the darts!
And you should have gone to see push! I liked it a lot. And as for "knowing" It had to have sucked cause we got it up here a week after it was playing down there, whereas everything else takes months to get up here.