Friday, August 15, 2008

the last days of summer

It's official summer is just about over for us. I don't know who decided that it officially ends on September 21st because it just as well be the dead of winter when school starts. We're in denial that it's actually going to happen except that we have forked over tons of money for tuition. Even with Pell grants we got worked over pretty bad. We aren't even talking about buying books. That's forbidden around here.

Our friends just gave us their extra copy of Settlers of Catan which if you've ever played that it is extremely addictive. We played that last night til 1:00. One set of friends got us hooked on it then this other couple who are moving to DC gave it to us yesterday. Every time you play you can use a whole new board. It reminds me of risk but not as monotonous or long.

See that? My bossman gave me business cards the other day! I have been meeting with potential customers in Rock Springs in addition to working on site there. I don't go tracting, though. I have been working the members pretty hard.... The company I am contracting for manufactures pressure vessels for the oil and gas industry. So, these other companies come into the office a lot. The office I work in is right by the door so if the manufacturing company employees are busy guess who they talk to while they are waiting- me! So I chat for a while then give them a brochure and my card. Hopefully it will produce more customers for us. But, as fun as it is to give them to people related to the business I find myself using them in other less productive ways. For instance my friend said he got a new phone and needed my number again. I could simply tell him the digits or call him and then he would have it stored in his phone but that is just too easy and not as much fun. So, what do I do? I pull out my business card and give it to him. I think I'm having too much fun with these babies.
Sara got an invitation to a baby shower yesterday so she'll be jamming there next week. It is the first we've got from someone in the ward. Perhaps this means we will have more friends/victims in the ward since our others moved to DC.

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