Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well the last week has been fairly boring but relaxing nonetheless. We feel like our schedule is set now. We got in an institute class with a teacher we really like at the sacrifice of our billiards class. I was really worried that I would have a hard time with calculus 3 because I took calc 2 in 2004 but last class period something just clicked and I can I remember most of what I used to know. That usually happens with all my classes about the 2nd or 3rd week of Fall Semester so I shouldn't have been so worried. Things are clicking with my other classes and I'm not so swamped because I can actually get my homework done. Our nightly schedule is settled but not the way we would like it to be. Sara gets home at 10:15 so we usually stay up an hour or two each night just talking or playing games or finishing homework, and most recently dinner. We're glad to spend that much time with eachother til we have to get up at 6:45 after going to bed at Midnight. Tuesdays are quite nice though. I have a lab at 7:30 and an optional help session at 10:30. I usually don't go to the help session and lab always gets out early (it's supposed to go til 10:20). Today I got out at 8:30. Sara also has just one class at 9 so when we get done with classes we come home and sleep. Hers goes from 9-11:45. When I got home today she was running a little late so I drove her to class. Sure glad I got home in time to help out. Then I came home and went to bed until Sara woke me up at noon. Then we ate lunch and now she is asleep. It's always a nice chill day til she goes to work and then I have to do work and/or homework. Work is really slowing down for me. We are expecting to get a bunch of drawings from one of our customers but the date keeps getting pushed back so much that as of today I only have 2-3 hours of work to do for the week. When we get the batch of drawings I could probably do 50 hours a week if I wanted. We're expecting 600 drawings. In the meantime, it sure is nice to have a free computer.

1 comment:

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Hey Sara! This is Heidi Hellstrom. I found your blog address on Danielle's blog. It looks like you guys are doing great and having lots of fun. Congrats again on your marriage! :)
my blog is shhellstrom.blogspot.com if you want to check it out sometime. :)